Saturday, December 22, 2012

Finding A Doggy Daycare

The site record

Not all nurseries are the same and sometimes hear of those places that do not take good care of the dogs. Before entrusting your dog to one of these places, questions about the place you will use. Visit the site in person. Drop by unannounced in the middle of the day. Talk to other customers. Make sure the place where you will leave your dog for hours each day to take good care of him.

No licenses or credentials to open a dog daycare for anyone to enjoy the dogs and call themselves a nursery canine. You do not have to be a dog trainer to care for the dogs well, but a good doggy daycare must have facilities that are large enough for dogs to play and rest, the ability to separate the dogs, lots of toys, and should do enough people to play and help with the dogs. Make sure the facilities are clean and nice, too.

After finding a dog daycare

Once you start taking your dog to a day care, pay attention to how your dog likes the place. Are you happy to go there every day? Do you feel like the people there? Do you get along with other dogs? Again, an unannounced visit from time to time is a good idea to see how your dog is being treated. If it is kept in a cage all day, you should find another daycare dogs.