Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Dog Grooming

Short haired dogs do not need brushing more than once a month, unless they are in the mud or in a very dirty environment.
Long haired dogs usually need brushing every week. If your long-haired dog is inside your home long enough, you may even want to brush him daily to prevent hair loss all over your carpet.
Is it just a little at first brushed every day and before you know it you will love the experience. Many dogs get excited and jump forward when you pull out your grooming tools.
You will also need cloths, paper towels and cotton wool to clean the eyes, ears and anal area. You can go to YouTube or your local pet room to see how to express the anal glands. This must be done or can cause blockage and discomfort and even infection.
If your dog has not developed years of plaque buildup on your teeth, you can clean it yourself with a brush and special toothpaste developed for dogs, or wipes or a glove. Most dogs prefer the wipes or glove toothbrush having a brush forced into the mouth.
Otherwise take it to a vet to have them cleaned the first time. After this, you should be able to clean yourself. It is estimated that up to 80% of dogs have dental caries and gum diseases.
A great way to help prevent this is to give your dog a special dog chew. My dogs just bury them! But while soaking in a tasty sauce and then freeze them, they will enjoy a good chew! Some people give their dogs large frozen bones, but beware, even large bones can crack and cause blockages. In some countries, large ostrich bones are available.
Your nails should be kept trimmed and need a dog nail clippers. If you take your dog for long walks regularly, no nails needed trimming. Paved or tarred roads especially keep fingernails short. If not cut them until they have more experience, more off than too little.
Remember, if the dog's nails have been allowed to get too long, the quick, or live, seems to stretch too. So cut some off per week until normal length.
If he has very matted hair you may need to cut thick mats with scissors blunt tips.
If you bathe your dog, use dog shampoo, and if possible, a dog dryer. Ordinary hair dryers can cause burns, so be careful if you use them. Dogs need to gradually get used to these as most dogs hate them at first. If the weather is warm, just a towel will suffice.