Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Nutrition for Your Puppy

What is the best?

The best way to feed your puppy is to choose a puppy food that makes you a specific COP.

C-calcium. Find a food with a strong presence of calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus. These elements help in building strong bones and teeth. Dental concerns can be costly and painful in the future if the building blocks are not set correctly for a puppy. O-acids Omega. Like human babies, the presence of omega fatty acids and linoleic acid will help in the development of your puppy's brain. This has also been shown to help create a vibrant coat shines all year, and a strong immune system.

P-protein. No sissy salad for your puppy! Dogs are carnivores and need to eat large amounts of protein to stay strong. Protein also helps develop muscle tone, tissues and organs. Externally, the additional protein also helps create a beautiful coat that is strong. Chow puppy will have many of these elements in the proportions agree veterinarian is the best for a developing puppy. Chows are also many specialized for the size of their race. If you are confused on the mark or reason, be sure to call your vet to do before you go shopping. The most likely have a favorite brand would be willing to recommend.

Additional advice

In order to create healthy eating habits for life should follow a few additional tips series by introducing a puppy to your family. Never allow your dog to eat from the table. This creates a bad behavior and an imbalance in nutrition can lead to pet obesity. If you insist on giving your dog food from the table, only offered after the family is eating and just placing it in a bowl of dog.