Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Dog Hot Spots

First thing you do is Could Identify the infected area.  Soon as you have done that, You Would Need to shave off the hair surrounding the lesions. This way, matted hair would not infect Further the spot.
The Reason Why You Should your vet to take the dog Even After All of This Is That They Might Need Some Medications prescribed to speed up the healing to process.
Among the common medicines are prescribed That Would Be Antibiotics and in facilitating Them, You Need To closely follow the frequency, dosage, and medication period.

Once the area shaved Has Been off, make sure your hands That You Have clean before you treat the dog hot spots. The next important thing to do would be to cleanse the Wounds. You can do this using cool water, filtered if possible, use a gentle and then cleanser over the Wounds. If anything Than You Can finds alcohol, so that'll be better would it sting? After cleansing the dog hot spots, You Would Need to apply some cool compress over the area for 2 to 4 times every day if Fully Until heals. Make sure you only use clean that washcloth for this and that the said cloth is properly sanitized before you place it over the dog hot spots.
This is NECESSARY to help relief the pain and itching from your dog.