Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Clicker Dog Training

First, make sure you use the clicker properly. Set your goals and rules so you know what to expect during training. Clickers are often used by coaches to teach your dog good behavior and tricks. Food treats also occur in association with the click for the dog to be able to associate the click sound with a reward. This is basic fitness - when the dog does something good or obeys a command, use the clicker to make a sound, and then give the treatment.

Second, remember to be consistent. As dog training takes time, remember to be consistent is vital to the success of conditioning your dog. You will be asked to be determined to teach your dog as the first test may not be easy and may not get the results you want immediately. Be patient and understanding, but also be very consistent. If the dog does something good or gives the correct answer, click on the sound and give the treatment, if not, ignore and try again.

Finally, remember that the use of a clicker is only temporary. To prevent your dog is too dependent on the clicker, listen and obey only when he / she hears the sound, make sure to include words of encouragement and praise. The ultimate goal is to make your dog do the right thing or give the right answer, even without the clicking sound. The crucial stage of weaning, which will be gradually replace the clicking sound with words of praise and treats. At the beginning of training the dog, the number of clicks and the rewards treatment must be greater than the combination of praise and treatment, and then gradually decreases and instead of increasing treatment praise and rewards.