Saturday, July 2, 2011

Boxer Dogs training tips procedure

Many owners suffer from a severe case of boxer dog disobedience. Learn simple yet effective ways to prominently train your dog to obey your commands with no hesitation.

Boxer dogs are highly intelligent and many owners are simply unaware of it. Disobedience comes from the owner's lack of knowledge about the boxer breed. If you own a disobedient boxer dog then you should understand that your puppy isn't purposely disobeying your commands, instead, he simply doesn't know what's right and what's wrong. You, as a responsible dog owner, should be able to present those things to your dog in an understandable fashion.

But how can you do that when it seems like no matter what you do your puppy just doesn't seem to understand you? First of all you need to learn how dogs learn and which method is the best to bring that learning message across.

To train any dog you need to use positive reinforcement to let them know what's acceptable to do and what's not. If you always keep yelling at your dog every time he chews on your coffee table he will not learn anything from it, mainly because he has long forgotten what he has done. He will try to associate his current behavior to your mood and if nothing can really make sense he will simply start feeling guilty when being around you.

Ever seen those dogs that walk around with their heads down cowering to every move the owner makes? The owners of those dogs failed to properly train their boxers and often times abuse them harshly.

Simple things like pulling on the leash or chewing and biting everything in sight is a common issue for dog owners. If your boxer likes to ignore your commands and do as he pleases then the problem lies in improper (or lack of) training.

Often enough boxer dog owners hire fancy dog trainers to try to get their puppy to obey - but that's nothing more than wishful thinking and a waste of $200. However, it's not the shock collars or trainers that make your puppy obedient - it's the relationship and respect that you build with your dog through consistent training and time spent together. When you spend time with your dog he learns that you can take care of him, thus making him respect you.