Thursday, July 28, 2011

Animals and insects

In the history of mankind had never been extinguished in so little time so many plants and animals in the last 100 years. Humanity is now destroying species at a speed 1000 or 10000 times greater than has hitherto occurred through the natural process of evolution. The international red list of endangered species in the meantime established that 14% of mammals, 12% of birds and even 48% of the surveyed plants are endangered.

According to scientific findings, for 200 million years died an average of one species per year since 1985 this quota is one species per hour, and from 2000 even one species every 30 minutes. The journal Science published in September 2004: "The extinction of animals and plants set in motion a chain reaction. Thus the disappearance of one species of animal, endangers the existence of 100 species. "

But Christ in a demonstration given through His prophet and messenger Gabriele in 1993, said: "O ye men, do you aware you can not live without nature, without animals, plants and minerals? Many have not understood this yet and have surpassed the halfway point, have outraged the Earth and are outraged. This outrage also your physical body. Truly, truly, I say Nature is the barometer for your life or your death. If nature dies, so dies the human race. "